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Welcome to the Pinal County Treasurer eNoticesOnline page.
If you should have any questions or need help, please go to and fill out a Help Ticket.
In order to sign up for future eNotices you will need the eNotice Authorization Code printed on your last mailed tax statement, or you can call the Pinal County Treasurer's Office to obtain the code.
Remember to include PIN- which stands for Pinal County, when entering your Authorization code. Example: PIN-12345678
Once you create an account, eNoticesOnline will send you an email notification to make sure your email account is valid and active. You will need to log into your email, open the eNotice email, and click “Activate” this will complete your registration.
Now you're ready to Click on Register in the upper right-hand corner. Fill in all boxes, click register, and activate your email notification.