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Choose to either Pay Now or become a VIP taxpayer.
Use either Name, Address, or PIN.
SEARCH Multiple Properties:
- Place a space between each 10-digit PIN.
- Search one property at a time and add each parcel to your cart.
With e-Check or debit transactions, 'Approved' means the transaction was received to be processed. Your bank could return/reject payment, i.e. NSF, closed account, no account, etc.
Subscribe NOW to schedule payments, receive reminders, and electronically receive your tax bill next year.
To subscribe access your authorization code on the front of your tax bill:
Or contact the Treasurer's Office at TreasVIP@mchenrycountyil.gov to request your code. Please include your name, property address or Parcel Number/PIN. You will receive a response within 24 hours during normal business hours M-F 7:30-5:00.
Taxpayers, although a zero-balance due is reflected if you don't have a bank transaction to reflect both installments of your taxes being paid it is possible that you may have sold taxes, please contact the County Clerk's Office.
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